Monday, July 13, 2009

Curly Q

Oh, the joys of having curly hair! This is what my little Harper looks like when she wakes up in the morning or from her nap. Her head of hair is like a bird's nest! She calls it her "crazy hair" and I absolutely LOVE it! The more humidity in the air, the wilder the child's hair gets. It is fun and we have pretty much figured out how to tame it. It takes a bit of water and a good comb and seems to bounce right back into place. I'm hoping that we can avoid any awkward stage of photos where we try to make it straight, but it is just a frizzy poof. Curly-headed folk, you know the photos I speak of! All I know is that I sure hope these sweet curls stick around!

**Disclaimer- photos were taken on my phone- please excuse their quality!


  1. i'm pretty sure i see ringlets in her future...

  2. Oh, sweet girl! Not sure where in the Bryan girls genes she found bend, much less curl?!
