April 2005
July 2007
December 2007
July 2008
Our Granddaddy
There has never been a bigger supporter and encourager than our dear Granddaddy. He was very easily, our number one fan. His pride swelled whether we were cheering our hearts out at a sporting event, or singing at the tops of our lungs in a drama production. He had a way of making us feel like the most accomplished kids in school.
Through countless Grandparent Day functions, holiday meals, or our wild antics jumping on their bed, our Grandmother and Granddaddy loved us unabashedly. We knew that Granddaddy was going to brag about us extensively to his church friends and anyone else who would listen, so we felt as if we had a standard to uphold. Who would want to disappoint Granddaddy? This total admiration easily molded us into the granddaughters, daughters, sisters, and mothers that we are today. Granddaddy’s love for and delight in his grandchildren’s lives is a trait that will span generations in our family. Already, our parents dote on their grandchildren and it will only seem fitting for us to do the same. Granddaddy’s example of delight and esteem is one we can all aspire to. Jesus told the disciples, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) Our Granddaddy was clearly a disciple of Christ, as evidenced by his immense love for us, as well as so many others.