Tuesday, April 6, 2010

To Reese, on her Birthday

From day one, you made our lives so much more complete.  You were the perfect addition to our little family!  Everyone was smitten with you, even if you were extremely jaundice.  You were quiet, loved to sleep, and all-around easy to care for.  Harper adored you and always wanted to help give you a paci and hold you.

We definitely knew you were going to be your own little person.  We could tell that you would be a bit more quiet and shy- which still holds true today!  You LOVE to laugh- especially at your dad and your sister.  Many mornings we wake up to the sound of you laughing at Harper.

You were born with a head full of hair and a passion for thumb-sucking.  You still suck your thumb and hold onto your "lovie" to fall asleep.  You are also quite the champion sleeper!

Although your siblings look 100% like your dad, you have a slight resemblance to your mom's baby pictures.  You are definitely a chunky monkey, weighing in the 85th percentile for your age!

We would say that you smile about 96% of the time.  You LOVE to snuggle.  Everyday when your dad comes home, you greet him at the door and then demand some cuddle time in his big leather chair.  It is just a daily requirement!

You LOVE to eat.  Whether it's a cupcake or green beans, you will gladly consume it.  I mean, you don't make it to the 85th percentile by eating nothing!

You've always been pretty laid back, but you are starting to hold your own and stand up for yourself- especially when it comes to Harper stealing your toys!  You're screeching sound usually alerts us to this infraction.

You are DEFINITELY infatuated with babies- particularly your little brother Cash.  No matter where we are, you can spot a baby.  You are quite a good little caregiver!

You are definitely a little ham who enjoys entertaining people.  If you get a good laugh out of anyone, you seem pretty satisfied.

You've experienced a lot in your two little years, and we always say we feel like you've been around much longer than that.  You bring us SO much joy and you easily light up a room.  We love you, little Reesey.  God blessed us beyond belief on April 6th, 2008.

Happy Birthday Reese!


  1. happy birthday sweet reese! i love you so much!

  2. oh man, this is the sweetest post . . . great Reester picts on FB!!

  3. Hooray for Reese! Great post, Mama :)

  4. This post about our beautiful Reese is just another reminder of how blessed Papa and I are that we have THE greatest daughter-in-law ever as the mother of our grandchildren.
